Disk reader

WARNING! This program works ONLY on MS-WINDOWS

What it is?

Simple program to read specyfic sector (or range of sectors).

How to use it?

-h = print help
-d <letter> = specify drive
-s <sector> = sector number
-r <start> <end> = read range of sectors from to
-c <size> = sector size
-f <filename> = save output to file

You need to specify: drive letter, sector number / range of sectors and sector size. If you don't specify -f option, program automaticly will print readed data in integrated hex shower.

For example, if you want to read sector 0 from drive D and sector is 512 bytes the command will look like:
dr -d D -s 0 -c 512

or, if we want to save out data to file out.bin we will run-in
dr -d D -s 0 -c 512 -f out.bin

Sample output:

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