C | Connect. As a response analyzer sends back number of it's channels followed by DATA_STOP. |
R | Set rising edge trigger. Analyzer sends back ACK command. |
F | Set falling edge trigger. |
A | Acknowledgement, not exacly command but response to commands. |
E | Error command, again not a command but response in case of an error. |
S | Start data collecting. After this command, analyzer sends back 'A' when all is ok and 'E', if triggering edge is not set. Then starts collecting and sending data to PC. |
P | Stop data collecting. Response is always 'A'. |
$ | Data end sign. Not command. It indicates data packet end. |
as out format.
usage: bc <com port> <filename out> <falling / rising edge> [file type: txt / csv (default: txt)]
bc COM1 out.txt rising txt
bc COM1 out.txt rising
and the end is no needed, because the deafult format is txt.
usage: bc bitcat <com port> <edge> <filename out>
bc COM1 falling out.txt
Content | Link |
Board and scheme (eagle format) | Here |
MCU program | Binaries Source |
Version | Link |
MS-WINDOWS | Binaries Source |
MS-DOS | Binaries Source |